APHP – Hopital Henri-Mondor Centre for Toxix Epidermal Necrolysis and rare SCARs – Créteil (FR)
Reference centre

Contact information
APHP – Hopital Henri-Mondor Centre for Toxix Epidermal Necrolysis and rare SCARs
Dept. Of Dermatology, henri-Mondor Hospital, APHP, UPEC,
F-94010 Créteil Cedex
+33 1 49 81 21 11
Official representative of the centre
Saskia Oro

Thematic groups
Chair of the thematic group
Severe cutaneous drug reactions
Saskia Oro

This center contributes to the following thematic groups:
51 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, Créteil, Île-de-France, France