Next meetings

2024 ERN-Skin Board Meeting: 24th and 25th October – Paris, France

We are very pleased to share with you the dates of the upcoming ERN-Skin board meeting!

Mark your agendas our next meeting will take place on October 24th-25th 2024, in Imagine Institute, 24 Bd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, France.

You can access the 2024 – Board meeting program now.

Past meetings

2nd World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases – 12th, 13th, 14th June 2024 – Paris, France

The 2nd World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases will take place in Paris, France on the 12th, 13th, 14th of June 2024. Discover the latest updates:

Click here to access the video

Click here to access the full program

The objectives of the congress are:

  • To learn on diagnosis (including pathophysiology and disease classification) and management of rare and complex skin disorders (skin cancers and aggressive tumors, autoimmune bullous diseases, complex vascular malformations and tumors, auto-inflammatory and autoimmune cutaneous disorders, toxiderma, ectodermal dysplasia and incontinentia pigmenti, DNA Repair Disorders & photosensitivity, monogenic fibrosing diseases, epidermolysis bullosa and skin fragility, cornification disorders)
  • To develop a multidisciplinary approach and improve their skills to manage common problems in rare and complex skin disorders
  • To know more on last research findings and tools in the field of skin biology, genetics, therapeutics
  • To learn more on patient engagement and empowerment as well as patient education programs

The World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases, Paris, France 12/06/2024 – 14/06/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 16.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

For more information click here

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2023 ERN-Skin Board meeting (6th November – Paris, France) – Event summary and information sheets

The 2023 ERN-Skin Board meeting took place on November 6th at the Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, in Paris France, from 8:00 a.m until 4:00 p.m.

Curious about the program, you can check it here

Scientific Day on Cutaneous Mosaicism, 12th of June 2023, Rome, Italy

The ERN-Skin group Mosaicism – Nevi and Nevoid Skin Disorders will organize a meeting on cutaneous mosaicism, on the 12th of June, in Rome, Italy. It will focus on the establishment of practical recommendations for the clinical approach to mosaicism in the skin and mosaic conditions of major impact in regular practice of pediatric dermatology.

This Scientific Day will take place at the Auditorium San Paolo Ospedale Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital

  • Address: Viale Ferdinando Baldelli, 38.
  • Programme: Click here to see the event programme

PEP & Scientific Days, on 20th & 21st of April 2023

On the 20th and 21st of April we will welcome you in the Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, more specifically in the amphitheater Robert Debré which is located in the building Robert Debré.
  • Address: Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades: 149 Rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris
  • Restaurant address: O’Bistrot d’Or, 8 Av. du Maine, 75015 Paris
  • Click here to see the event programme

To complete the PEP Day preparation, you can always give your input answering our short PEP Survey

23rd-24th March, 2023 – ERN-Skin Workshop – “Epidermolysis bullosa: from genes to translation into therapies” 

The workshop will deliver expert knowledge on the following aspects of EB: clinical and genetic basis, wound and interdisciplinary management, how to design and conduct clinical trials, gene therapy, and models used in translational research.

More information here

ERN-Skin Workshop on Autoimmune bullous diseases and Severe cutaneous drug reactions in Zagreb, 15 and 16 February, 2023!

For more information about the programme click here

June 7-9, 2022 – World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases – Welcome in Paris!

The ERN-Skin and the René Touraine Foundation are organizing the 1st World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases. We will bring together the medical and paramedical teams, scientists, patient representatives, policy makers, as well as industrial stakeholders. Our common goal is to improve patient care, develop collaboration and increase research! We are counting on you to join and share this new adventure!

March 10, 2022 – ERN-Skin scientific day – online meeting

From 9am to 2pm

  • Part 1: bibliography studies (more details here)
  • Part 2: transversal topics with a focus on recent scientific progress (basic research domain or new technology)

Have a look at the programme…

ERN-Skin Board Meeting – January 14, 2022 – Virtual

It was the last board meeting of the first phase (2017-2022)! A time to review these past 5 years and welcome our 8 new ERN partners, to discuss the future of the ERN-Skin and prepare the ERN-Skin phase 2 (2022-2027).

ERN-Skin Scientific Day – February 19, 2021 – Virtual

The ERN-Skin organised its first ERN-Skin Scientific Day! It was a one-day meeting on transversal & research subjects of interest for rare skin diseases. Transversal subjects, methodology topics for RD clinical trials and clinical cases were presented and discussed by the ERN-Skin thematic groups and invited experts.

ERN-Skin Board meeting 2020 – October 2nd 2020 – Virtual

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and an earthquake in Croatia, the University Hospital Centre Zagreb was sadly not able to host this event this year. Despite this very special context, we adapted and all together managed to have great meetings. Thank you very much, it was a real pleasure to see so many of you online! This meeting was an opportunity to share information, exchange tools, clarify processes and integrate new skills through  thematic and general  sessions.

ERN-Skin meeting 2019 – Ghent, December 16th 2019

The 3rd edition of the ERN-Skin live training was held in Ghent, Belgium on the 16th of December 2019. The course accredited by UEMS European CME credits focused on: Mendelian connective tissue disorders, Cutaneous diseases related to DNA repair disorders, Hidradenitis suppurativa, Cutaneous mosaic disorders, naevi and nevoid skin disorders, complex vascular malformations. ePAG Skin addressed patient needs and the importance of patient-centered care.

ERN Skin Board Meeting 2019 – Paris, October 1st/2nd 2019

The 2019 ERN-Skin Board Meeting was held in Paris, France on the 1st and 2nd of October.
This meeting was an opportunity to share information, exchange tools, clarify processes and integrate new skills through thematic, general and training sessions. Thanks to the great involvement of ERN-Skin members, we are always improving patient care.