Cutaneous Mosaic Disorders : Naevi & Naevoid skin disorders – Complex vascular malformations and cutaneous and subcutaneous vascular tumors
CMTC-OVM provides a variety of information material for patients, their families and healthcare providers.
This material has been developed by the following authors:
- AVM – Prof. Dr. Suzanne Pasmans.
- CMTC – Prof. Dr. Suzanne Pasmans.
- DCMO – Prof. Dr. Suzanne Pasmans.
- KTS – Dr. Carine van der Vleuten.
- Siblings: Dr. Els Jonker.
- Psychology: Dr. Wouter van der Schaar.
- After the diagnosis: Johannes Verheijden (Coordinator Network Integral Childcare – the Netherlands).
- Parents Support Guide: Caring Matters Now (UK). The prenatal version content by eg. Dr. Sarah Sheppard (will be published in July).
- Teachers Brochure: Dr. Alyson Norman (UK), Dr. Rosanne Smits (NL).
To access the material and for further information visit the CMTC-OVM website by clicking here