ALLOCATE – Acquired immunologicaL LOw prevalence and Complex AdulT diseases of thE SKIN
Thematic group
Chair of the thematic group
Christos Zouboulis (Städtisches Klinikum Dessau)

Chair of the thematic group
Veronique Del Marmol (Erasme Hospital)

Chair of the thematic group
Gregor Borut Ernst Jemec (Zealand University Hospital)

SKIN ePAG Advocate
Bente Villumsen (Hidrosadenitis – Denmark)

Focus of the group
The thematic group “Acquired immunologicaL LOw prevalence and Complex AdulT diseases of thE SKIN (ALLOCATE SKIN)” within the ERN-Skin focuses on inflammatory skin conditions and extends to vascular conditions resulting, among other features, in mucocutaneous lesions (Adamantiades-Behçet’s disease and Papulosis Atrophicans Maligna (Köhlmeier-Degos disease). In addition, a subgroup is focused on Hereditary and Acquired Angioedemas.
These disorders are located on different parts of the body and may lead to the formation of nodules, abscesses or fistulas usually painful for the patient. Some of these conditions may look like deep acne, folliculitis or boils and require the expertise of well-trained dermatologists able to reach accurate diagnoses. Among other symptoms, the apparition of thick scars debilitating with time or serious infections, highlights the necessity of proper care made possible by the pooling of resources and expertise within this thematic group.
A comprehensive management of the patient also implies the involvment of radiologists (for diseases like PASH, PAPASH or PASS syndromes) or even performance of minor or radical surgeries by surgeons or dermatosurgeons.