Patient satisfaction survey
This questionnaire aims to measure the level of patient satisfaction after consultation in an ERN-Skin centre, in order to improve their quality of care and performance. It has been elaborated by SKIN ePAG advocates!
The questionnaire has 26 items and it is divided in 4 main sections:
- General information on the patient
- Consultation and follow-up (19 questions)
- Treatment prescription and therapeutic research (5 questions)
- Global satisfaction (2 questions)
A short blank section is available at the end of the questionnaire to add any comments.
The data will be processed by the ERN-Skin coordination team.

Here find the link to the online questionnaires, as well as the printable version* of the questionnaires
So far, we have the patient satisfaction survey in 16 languages!
Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
* For data processing of the paper version, please send the completed questionnaire to the ERN-Skin coordination team at the following address: Fondation René Touraine, Hôpital Necker – Enfants malades, Bâtiment Carré Necker cour Breteuil, 149 rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris